Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Math Update

Over the next few weeks your child will learn multiplication facts to 12 X 12. Your child will use a variety of strategies to learn and remember these facts, so that your child will either recall or be able to apply a strategy to find each fact.

To reinforce these concepts at home, you and your child can work on some at-home activities such as these: 

- Look for things that come in 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s, and then ask and answer questions such as, "Our house has 5 front steps. How many front steps would 6 houses like ours have?"

- Locate items that come in arrays and identify the multiplication facts for each array. For example, egg cartons show arrays of 2X6=12 and 6X2=12. 

- If you have a pet, figure out the age of your pet in "human"years. Every year a cat lives, it ages 5 human years. Every year a dog lives, it ages 7 human years.

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